Duration  —  7-8 min

The video installation “Memoscape” embarks on a journey that intertwines the realms of nature, memories, and digital technology. At its essence, the installation presents a collection of point clouds, created from corals and sea rocks collected during a series of remarkable voyages. Each of these intricate pieces is imbued with a profound connection to a personal narrative or memory, endowing them with a unique identity and emotional resonance.

Beyond the visual and auditory elements, “Memoscape” has a meditative aspect that invites viewers to experience a deeper connection with the work. The point clouds, when contemplated with a focused and mindful eye, evoke a sense of calm and introspection. They encourage the audience to lose themselves in the intricate details, much like a meditation practice, where the world fades away, and one becomes one with the present moment. The interplay of light and shadow within the point clouds offers a visual mantra, drawing viewers into a state of serene contemplation.

The auditory dimension of the installation further amplifies this meditative quality. The soundscapes are meticulously crafted using audio recordings captured during the various travels that inspired this work. Rather than replicating recognizable sounds, these soundscapes are abstracted, transformed into ethereal and otherworldly tones. They create an abstract sound composition that complements the visual aspect, leading the audience to a state of introspective reflection.

As a result, “Memoscape” is more than just an art installation; it is a transformative experience that encourages introspection and mindfulness. By blurring the boundaries between art and meditation, it provides an opportunity for the audience to journey within themselves, exploring the profound connection between nature, personal memories, and the digital world. “Memoscape” fosters a sense of interconnectedness with the world, not just as observers, but as active participants in the meditation of existence.


  • 2023. 10. 05. – 10. 31.  —   fIxIr Gallery – House Of Arts – Veszprém, Hungary
  • 2024. 03. 01. – 03. 17.  —   FÉNYDÓM – Budapest, Hungary